Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Exodus: Puah's Monologue

Based on a passage of scripture: Exodus 2:16-21
By The Writer

What am I supposed to do? Kill others, or be killed myself. I have no choice. I must kill the babies. If I don’t I will be killed! I...I have no choice. (Beat) Look I know it’s not what you want. You’re good and kind and right…You’re always right. And I’m always wrong, but can’t I just be wrong for once! I am done fighting about this; I’m done trying to justify it! I know you’re right, and I know I’m wrong, but….but I don’t want to die….I don’t want to die. (Beat) Look at me. I’m so sinful. I would rather kill dozens of babies than sacrifice myself. (Beat) But you are good, so very good. Lord, take this pitiful shell of a life and do something with it; make me worthwhile. Make me the one who followed you even to the death. Pharaoh can do whatever he wants with me. He can kill me. But I will not kill a child.  

I would like to make something clear about this monologue: Puah having this attitude is not supported anywhere in scripture. The narrative is very brief with this story, leaving plenty room for creativity. This is Puah’s journey to resolution, and while this may or may not have been the way she reacted, it certainly makes a good monologue!

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