Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Little Women: Jo's Monologue

JO—What’s the use of asking what we shall wear, when you know we shall wear our poplins, because we haven’t got anything else? But don’t worry, Meg. I’m sure our pops look like silk, and they are nice enough for us. Yours is as good as new, but I forgot the burn and the tear in mine. Whatever shall I do? The burn shows badly, and I can’t take any out. My gloves are spoiled with lemonade, and I can’t get any new ones, so I shall have to go without.  I can hold them crumpled up in my hand, so no one will know how stained they are. That’s all I can do. (a beat) No! I’ll tell you how we can manage, each wear one good one and carry a bad one. Don’t you see? You don’t like the idea? Fine. Then I’ll go without. I don’t care what people say!

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